Industry 4.0 Machines

The UK arm of Heinrich Georg GmbH, Germany’s leading engineering company, is seeing an increase in the number of enquiries to build smart machines that connect to the Cloud.

Classed as the 4th Revolution, there is a growing trend in UK manufacturing to combine automation with cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things to create smart machines which support increased productivity.

Adding sensors and RFID chips to Georg’s machines enables the collection of data which can be used to:

Neil Wyke, managing director of Georg UK, explains: “Companies want longer life and increased productivity from the machines that they invest in. New Georg machines are Industry 4.0 intelligent offering a range of benefits and supporting real-time decision making. Self-monitoring and reporting critical signs of potential defects before they happen is crucial given the demise of the traditional maintenance departments.”

He added: “Companies large and small can benefit immensely from introducing smart machines, but you don’t have to upgrade or replace all your machines at once. Our engineers can work with you, offering a phased approach to integrating your existing machines and factory function as one smart system. Our machines tell your key personnel if they are likely to fail before they do, saving you downtime and loss of production.”

To keep ahead of the competition and reap the rewards from introducing Industry 4.0 machines in your factory, call the Georg Team on 01902 715110.

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